Whether or not you use your Canvas course site, Reserves staff are happy to support your course. All readings supported in eReserves may also be viewed in Canvas.  If you are considering  organizing and posting your course readings directly to Canvas, these guidelines  offer a comparison.

Book-based readings:

  • 15% of a book’s total length: “fair use” at JHU [PDFs with title and copyright pages may be posted to eReserves or to Canvas].
  • Modest amounts in excess of fair use (up to 35% of a book): Reserve staff will query the Copyright Clearance Center (or the publisher) for permission to scan; success rate is about 85% of requests [Reserves’ CCC-licensed PDFs may be posted to Ereserves only].
  • Less modest amounts in excess of fair use (up to 50% of a book): Reserve staff will consider a CCC query if the book is out of print or very expensive for student purchase [Reserves’ CCC-licensed PDFs may be posted to eReserves only].
  • 50% or more of a book: Reserve staff advise requiring student purchase. Electronic support for required books is not advised unless licensed academic ebook editions are available [restriction applies to eReserves and to Canvas].

NOTE: all books are subject to copyright protection, even if they are out-of-print, unless they are in the public domain.

Journal articles:

  • Electronic articles are eligible for linking from eReserves; the eReserves system automatically “proxifies” URLs.
  • Electronic articles are also eligible for linking from Blackboard; URLs should be “proxified” to ensure access.
  • Electronic articles are not eligible for uploading into eReserves or Blackboard, per terms of the licenses  governing use of the databases.