Need help navigating the publication process? Not sure how to establish and quantify your professional identity and the impact of your work? We’re here to help.

The JH Libraries support researchers in sharing and preserving the output of their scholarly work in all forms and at all stages in the research process. We believe that accessible, transparent research is critical to modern scholarship and are dedicated to supporting these principles within the Johns Hopkins community. We advocate for open access and help scholars find open solutions for sharing their research products. We also offer workshops, sponsored events, and other outreach programs related to publishing, open and public access, measuring research impact, and scholarly identity.

Commitment to Open Scholarship

The Johns Hopkins Libraries affirm a vision of open scholarship that advances research, teaching, and intellectual growth, and furthers the University’s mission of knowledge for the world. Open scholarship benefits everyone because it facilitates faster dissemination and access to knowledge by broader audiences. Open scholarship removes barriers to interdisciplinary and international scholarship, facilitates discovery and collaboration across fields, and ensures that scholarship remains accessible through time. For these reasons, the JHU Libraries are committed to supporting the immense possibilities of open scholarship.

Services, tools, and expertise